He Yue Zhai


He Yue Zhai

With more than 3,000 years of history, the Guqin (古琴) has been regarded as one of the most important symbols of Chinese culture. The Chinese literati highly favour it as a classic instrument of great subtlety and refinement. 

The formation of this instrument has profound meaning and is designed to reflect the “unity of heaven and humanity” in traditional Chinese philosophy. The shape of the Guqin resembles that of a man while each aspect of the instrument is named after a part of nature. The standard length for a Guqin is normally 3 Chǐ (尺), 6 Cùn (寸) and 5 Fēn (分)(approx. 122-125 cm), symbolising 365 days in a year.

If you like soothing and peaceful tunes that bring you into a mood of contemplation and relaxation, why not learn guqin with us today?

He Yue Zhai
He Yue Zhai
He Yue Zhai

Guqin Lessons

Our in-house curriculum is specially designed to suit all ages. We offer Guqin lessons for beginners, groups, and individuals (private lessons). The Guqin courses are taught by experienced teachers who are fluent in both English and Chinese.

As students at the Entry Level, you can look forward to mastering basic Guqin fingering techniques such as Empty-Strings (散音 Sàn yīn), Harmonics Overtone (泛音 Fàn yīn) and Pressed-Strings (按音 Àn yīn) etc. ou will learn how to play traditional musical repertoire like ‘The Three Variations of Plum-Blossom’ (梅花三弄 mei hua san nong), ‘Chant of the Immortal’ (仙翁操 xian weng cao) as well as modern songs like ‘A Laugh Heard in the Vast Sea’ (沧海一声笑 cang hai yi sheng xiao) a popular theme song from acclaimed movie ‘The Swordman’ (笑傲江湖 xiao ao jiang hu). 

    Please see below for our course fees:

    Group Class (click here to view schedule)

    Total Course Fee (SGD)
    Duration per session
    (in minutes)
    Number of Sessions per Term
    Guqin Experience Trial Class
    18^ one-time used
    Guqin Entry Level Course
    (Grade 1)
    古琴入门课程 (1级)
    350 60 10 The term itself
    Guqin Beginner Level Course
    (Grade 2-3)
    古琴初级课程 (2-3年级)
    430 60 12 The term itself
    Guqin Intermediate Level Course*
    (Grade 4-6)
    550 60 12 The term itself
    Guqin Advance Level Course**
    (Grade 7-8)
    670 60 12 The term itself

    ^ Originally priced at SGD 35. This discounted fee of SGD 18 is for a limited time ONLY.
    The fee paid for the Experience Trial class can be used to offset the course fee at the Entry level.
    ^ 原价为 35 新元。此优惠费用为 18 新元,体验课费可用于抵扣古琴课程报名费

    * Intermediate Level consists of a minimum of 4 terms before advancement to the Advanced level (depending on class progress).
    * 中级水平至少需要 4 个学期才能升级至高级水平(取决于课程进度)。

    ** Advanced Level consists of a minimum of 3 terms before advancement to the Diploma level.
    ** 高级水平至少需要 3 个学期才能升级至演奏级水平。

    We also offer online sessions for these courses. Contact us for more details.


    Our syllabus follows The TENG Ensemble Chinese Music Instrumental Grading Examinations: Guqin (Vol 1 – 3)
    我们的课程大纲遵循华乐器乐考级:古琴(初级 至 高级 3卷)


    Private Class (click here to view schedule)

    Number of Sessions per Term
    Duration per session
    (in minutes)
    Course Fee (SGD)
    Guqin 1-to-1 Principal

    Prof. Zhong Zhiyue
    10 45 1800 NA
    Wu Xiao Dan 10 45 1800 NA
    Experienced Guqin Lecturer
    10 45 1000 90 days
    Guqin 1-to-2 Principal

    Prof. Zhong Zhiyue
    10 45 1000 NA
    Wu Xiao Dan 10 45 1000 NA
    Experienced Guqin Lecturer
    10 45 600 90 days
    Guqin 1-to-3 (Group Class) Experienced Guqin Lecturer
    10 60 600 90 days

    To note for ALL Courses:

    • Students must notify the school at least 24 hours in advance if they are unable to attend lesson. Make-up lesson, no more than 15-20 minutes, can be arranged at other time slots, subject to the availability of teachers, with no more than 2 free makeup lessons per term.
    • The fee for a lesson will be deducted for late cancellations/no-shows without any proper reasons and/or medical certificate.
    • Students are requested to arrive on time for each lesson.
    • If the student needs to transfer or suspend a course due to special personal reasons, an administrative fee of 30% will be chargeable, and the student will be required to top-up the difference of the new course fee. If the student drops the course midway, the remaining fee will not be refunded.
    • Course fees between different course types cannot be converted to one another.
    • The Centre will collect the course fees for the next term at the last lesson of each term.
    • 如果学生无法上课,必须至少提前 24 小时通知学校。补课时间不超过15-20分钟,视情况可安排在其他时段,每学期免费补课不超过2次。
    • 如果没有任何正当理由和/或医疗证明,迟到/缺席,将扣除课程费用
    • 请所有学员每节课准时到琴馆上课。
    • 如果课程中途学生因个人特殊原因需要转学或停课,将收取30%的行政费,并要求学生补新课程费用的差额。如果学生中途放弃课程,剩余费用将不予退还。
    • 不同课程类型之间的课程费用不能相互转换。
    • 将在每学期的最后一课时收取下一学期的课


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